
Resurrection Week

Monday, April 14
11:30 am service in the Sanctuary w/lunch at 12:15 in Fellowship Hall
Music/Live Stream
Preschool Care & Lunch by Registration

Wednesday, April 16
Journey to the Cross from 3-7 pm in the Worship Center • No Child Care, Awana or Ignite
A Journey of Scripture, Prayer, and Reflection: Since most of us cannot journey to Jerusalem to walk the path the Lord took to the cross, this practice allows us to take a mini-pilgrimage. The Stations help us contemplate and experience our Father’s sacrifice to bring us back to Himself.

Friday, April 18
Good Friday service – 6 pm
In the Sanctuary/Music
Live Stream/Preschool Care

Sunday, April 20
8/10 am in Sanctuary & 9/11 am in Life Center
Preschool Childcare/KidStuf
No Discipleship classes

Due to construction, the main office entrance will be closed. Please use the back entrance of the parking lot to access the office. Signs will also be posted for directions. Thanks for your patience!
Equipping Lunch

Are you attending one or more of the information/training sessions on April 6 in conjunction with the Ministry Fair? Please register for the lunch.  Lunch will follow the second service and be followed by the breakout sessions. *There will be two sessions, so you can attend more than one session if desired.  Contact Susan Williams if you have questions.

GPS Life Journey Classes
Spring Quarter of 2025 Discover and Fulfill Your God-Given Purpose in Life
  • Group 1 Two Saturdays, 8:00 am - 12:00 noon, April 12 & 26
  • Group 2 - Four Mondays, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, March 31 – April 21
  • Group 3 – Four Wednesdays, 3:30 – 5:30 pm, April 2-23

All groups meet in Room 034, Ground Floor, FBC Lenoir City except Group 2 meets in a home small group in Lenoir City.  Contact Nolen Rollins at 239-860-0096 or [email protected] to register. Each class is limited to 10 people.

Potluck with Pastor Chris and Kym

Senior Adults, join us for lunch and Bible study potluck-style on Monday, March 31 in Fellowship Hall A from 12pm - 1:00pm. Sign up on Realm and bring any dish - meats, sides, breads, and desserts. Contact Susan Williams if you have any questions.

Experiencing God Study

Learn How to Experience God in Your Daily Life Facilitated By Nolen Rollins
10 Sessions - Wednesdays, 4:30 – 5:45 PM  in room 204 • April 9 – June 11 (No Meeting on April 16) Approximately 1-2 hrs of homework weekly is required. Please register on Realm or visit the GPS table in the Worship Center Hallway. For More Information Contact Nolen Rollins [email protected] or 239-860-0096

Girls of Grace Bible Study

Thursdays at 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall B. We are beginning a new study
March 20: “Jude: Contending For The Faith In Today’s Culture.” Questions? Contact us at [email protected].

Women's Hiking

Retreat away and be with the Father. Monthly group hikes are starting April 1. Open to all ladies. Meet at the church on the day of the hike and we will convoy together to the hike area. For more information visit www.myfbclc.org/women.

412 Fitness

412Fitness is a free classes open to ALL women. This class is made of all ages and abilities with many options for success. Based on Ecc 4:12; we believe we are stronger together. Led by Certified Revelation Wellness Instructors: Shelly Coggins and Sabrina Stamper. Email us [email protected] or find us on FB @WeAre412Fitness.

RISE UP MEN's breakfast

Men, join us on Saturday, April 5 in Fellowship Hall A for a full breakfast, fellowship and a powerful testimony from Van Simmons. RSVP for your free breakfast on Realm.

Adult Men & Women
Motorcycle Ministry

Our first ride of the season is April 13.  We will meet at the Pavilion at FBCLC at 1pm to ride. A group of men and women who want to glorify God while doing what we love, riding. Open to anyone who rides and wants to minister through their love of motorcycles.  Contact Lenny Bean or Hunter Connell for more info.

Singles Game Night

The third Saturday, April 19, is Singles Game Night in Fellowship Hall B starting at 6:00 to 9:30 pm.

Disaster Relief

With the ongoing need in the Helene storm damage area, we are forming volunteer teams for repair, rebuild and construction. Have you already had DR training? Please consider joining us. Would you like to volunteer but need certified? Visit TN Disaster Relief website for multiple, local training opportunities or to get on the certified-volunteer list.


An event intentionally designed for girls in 6th to 12th grade. Saturday, April 5: 5:00pm-9:30pm. Learning about how God has a plan for our life and how He made us for a purpose! Time of worship, special guest speaker, soda truck, giveaways, crafty stations, food, and an AFTER PARTY!! RSVP for this FREE event in Realm today!

And There's more...

Here’s an idea of what you can drop off at the large Green’s Recycling dumpster located by our barn at the back of campus. Common METAL Items: Ovens, refrigerators, desks, chairs, grills, patio furniture, lawn mowers, washer/dryer machines, hot water heaters, old bicycles, skateboards, scooters, swing sets, trampolines, canned food (empty), aluminum cans,old metal toys -- Matchbox® cars, Tonka® trucks, etc. **anything with at least 50% metal Not accepted: propane tanks, TVs, computer monitors, tires, paint cans

Church Bookstore/Library

Don't forget to stop by the church library. We have tons of books to "check out" as well as some FBCLC swag you can purchase and represent MYFBCLC everywhere you go!  To search our library books visit: HERE


Lenoir City Christian Academy Is Hiring

  • Part Time Preschool Teacher
  • Part Time English Language Arts Teacher
  • Part Time Art Teacher
  • LCCA Summer Camp Staff; May 19 - July 25; 18 years old or older, 7:50am-5pm *Schedule May Vary

Contact/send resumes to Jim Koan at [email protected] or call 865-986-6716.

Sunday's Worship

9:00 - 452
10:30 - 768
Kids - 172
Total = 1392

Sunday's Discipleship - 698
Small Groups - 291
Wednesday - 359

New Members

#110-112: Chad & Nicole Briscoe; Kevin Bluford

Operation/Budget Funds

Weekly Need $78,846.15
Contributions $54,139.76
YTD Contributions $1,067,437.02
YTD Expenditures $978,045.37
Month to Date $23,646.67
This Week $6,597.50
Year to Date $92,019.51