Women's Ministry


Winter Weekday Studies

Contact GOG 

  •  7 week study Esther by Kelly Minter; the daring faith modeled by Esther and
    her cousin Mordecai—a faith rooted in the goodness of God, lived out through
    extraordinary circumstances, and used to change the world.
  • 7 week study Jude – Jackie Hill Perry; dive into themes of being called, loved,
    and kept, and learn how to point others to Jesus in grace and truth.


  • New Testament Precepts 2 year study in Revelation
    AM study 9:00-11:30
    PM study 6:00-8:00|
    Fellowship Hall C
    Facilitated by Brenda Folz
  • Old Testament Precepts 4 week study in Kings & Prophets
    10:00-11:30 AM
    Fellowship Hall B
    Facilitated by Alexis Hunn

    Robin White’s Sunday night Bible study on Sundays at 4:00pm at her home. Contact Kym Harding for more information.


Women's Conference - 2025 "Contentment"
Join us on January 24th and 25th for our 2025 Women’s Ministry Conference featuring Jodi Ware. The conference will be Friday night from 7 pm to 9 pm and Saturday morning from 9 am to 11 am. Childcare is provided BY RESERVATION ONLY. REGISTER NOW

Tea & Testimonies
Mark your calendars for a Saturday morning devoted to tea and heartfelt testimonies among our sisters in Christ. It's a time of warmth, laughter, and shared faith, where the simplicity of tea becomes a vessel for the beauty of our stories of personal walks with Jesus.

Dinner and A Movie Night
The "Dinner and a Movie" concept has been revamped! Leave the popcorn & snacks up to us. Bring your chair and a friend for a night of pure delight. Join your sisters in faith for an evening full of laughter and joy, centered around a morally uplifting Christian-themed movie.

Fall Retreat
At Wafloy Mountain Village in Gatlinburg. Don’t miss this opportunity to recharge your spirit and deepen your faith in a setting that combines natural beauty and spiritual growth. Here is a video from the 2024 Retreat.


WOM at FBCLC is a group of ladies who want to be the hands and feet of Jesus to people and organizations in our own community and beyond.
We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at noon in Fellowship Hall A for lunch and monthly mission projects and speakers. All women are welcome. Please come and see what we are about.



Retreat away and be with the Father. Contact Terri Bowden for more information at [email protected].

Cancer Support Group for Women

No one should face cancer alone. If cancer has touched your life, perhaps you would like to join the Women’s Cancer Support group. Wherever you are on your journey, past or present, or caring for a loved one with cancer, you are most welcome to attend. You will feel supported, uplifted, and encouraged as you share your experiences and emotions.
The first Monday of each month, at the First Baptist Church Lenoir City from 9:30-11:30am in Room 020. Enter through the Fellowship Hall entrance (door 17) and follow the hall to the right. This is open to all women.



Mon, Tues & Thurs at 4:30 pm
in Fellowship Hall B


Mon, Tues & Thurs at 6pm
in the Life Center led by Shelly Coggins & Sabrina Stamper

Classes are a mix of cardio, strength and function
Classes are free
No reason to pre-register, just join us.

Trusting God With Tomorrow Women's Conference

Did you miss our Conference with guest, Kim Jaggers?  You can watch the sessions here.

Be sure to visit Kim's Blog HERE