Everything is a gift from God, our Father. Therefore, He doesn't need anything from us but He does ask us to be obedient and walk as Jesus walked. He asks us to love generously and give sacrificially. When we give back, it builds trust inside us. We give so that others may know Jesus; because we serve a generous God. We give because He first loved us.ONLINE
You can easily give a single gift or schedule recurring giving through our secure giving platform.
Give using the FBCLC App or by texting 'FBCLCTN' and the amount you want to give to 73256.
cash or check
You can always give during the week in the Church Office OR use the Giving Boxes located around the Sanctuary.

Honor those who have made a difference in your life! Simply click on the button to give in Memory or Honor of someone.GIFTS IN KIND
If you have real property, assets, or something you want to bequeath as a gift, please contact Tonya Freels to discuss ahead of time either by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone: 865-986-9066.You can also mail tithes and offerings. Offering envelopes are available at the Welcome Center in the church foyer, in the pew racks in the Sanctuary or in the Church Office. Please take time to pray, then simply place your check within the envelope, add a postage stamp and drop in the mailbox.
Mailing address:
First Baptist Church
Attn: Financial Office
2085 Simpson Rd E
Lenoir City, TN 37772