Costa Rica - June 7-14
Trip Date: estimated trip cost $1,866.93, scholarships are available. This includes everything except incidental spending money. A deposit of $100.00 due by February 26. Home visits, VBS for many kids, teaching
- teens, women, and men, light construction, food distribution, and participating in church services. For more information, contact Garland Alford at [email protected]
The promise of this verse, and many others like it in the Old and New Testament, is what drives me to exhort the Church, no matter where it is, to go to the nations and preach the Good News. The pain, wars, and chaos in this world should motivate all of us to live boldly for Jesus and strive and "pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38).
In Moldova - I leave for Europe on Wednesday evening, the 16th. As part of the journey (Oct 22-25), I will at a special event in Moldova where Mission Eurasia will gather key leaders, coordinators and trainers for our School Without Walls (SWW) from all over Eurasia. SWW focuses on equipping youth and young people to live intentionally for Christ. We will also celebrate 20 years of SWW.
The Unreached People Groups Initiative (UPGI) training materials that I wrote together with Esther have been printed and I will have the chance to share the vision and heartbeat of this material with these leaders. Pray that the Lord would speak through me to inspire these trainers and leaders to go back and equip others to have a heart for the nations. The material includes an introduction to cross-cultural ministry and contextualization with very hands-on tools for humbly learning about other cultures. Pray that I would introduce and model these tools in clear Russian language.
In Poland - Before going to Moldova, I will arrive in Poland to spend time with our wonderful Ukrainian team there (Oct 17-22). On Sunday (the 20th), we will celebrate 20 years since the central Ukrainian church in Warsaw was first established.
God is open new doors for the ministry in Poland to Ukrainian and also Belarusian refugees and immigrants. Pray for me as I meet with the team and we dream together about the future. Pray for God’s provision as the needs continue to be great.
In Ukraine - After Poland and Moldova, I will travel into Ukraine to participate in a gathering of 300+ Ukrainian volunteers who have been a part of Mission Eurasia’s response since the war began (Oct 25- Nov 1). We want to hear their stories and encourage them. They are exhausted after over 2.5 years of war.
We will also gather some 250 people for a pastor’s retreat in western Ukraine. The theme of this retreat is "Standing Firm in Faith: Pastor as an Anchor of Faith Amidst the Storm of War; Empowering the Church Family and Community in Times of War and Crisis.” We want to give pastor’s and their wives a chance to breathe again and be filled up and encouraged.
At both of these events in Ukraine I want to be used to listen to individuals and families who have sacrificed and lost so much, to give share a word of encouragement, and to pray with them. Pray that the Lord would use me in many Ukrainian’s lives.
At Home - The missions materials that Esther has been working on for children in the west is getting close to finalized. Please pray for the remaining details and that these materials would be used to inspire and equip children and families to live out the Great Commission.
Praise the Lord that one of our granddaughters has prayed with child-like faith to receive Jesus! God is so good!
Please join us in praying for our family. We pray that each one’s faith would be built up, be bold and strong and that hope and joy would characterize each of them. We see this in our kids and pray that God would bring the increase.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer.
In His Grip!
The Timothy Initiative
For TTI in Central African Republic
An overview of TTI ministry in this country
- 73 Pauls
- 1392 Timothys
- 3772 new disciples
- 787 baptisms
- 599 total churches planted
- 111 widows and orphans impacted
Prayer requests
- Pray for peace and stability in the county so that we can work well and bring the good news of the Lord.
- May insecurity be eradicated because there has been as series of armed robberies on certain roads leading to the country’s interior.
- Pray for community and collaboration between the denominations.
- Pray for our Pauls to remain committed to serving the Lord and that He will strengthen them.
- Pray the Field Representatives will be able to receive and give reports well.
- Pray for good collaboration among our NLT CAR team.
– November 9 in Knoxville, TN - Introduction to Disaster Relief, Chainsaw Operation/Safety, Flood Recovery, Mass Feeding, Rebuild, Shower/Laundry
Rebuild will be extensive in NE TN and Western NC, SC, GA and FL over the next few YEARS. We [FBCLC] have a small rebuild team but could use a lot more people so we can rotate in and out along with the other DR teams across the state.
Please consider upcoming training sessions and share the dates with others. For more information, contact David Kozak at [email protected] or 865-776-9095.
- Clubhouse Comedy Night
Has been moved to February 2025
We continue to see God working in the lives of our students at Pacaya! Today our older kids read, studied and developed a full act of Mark 5:22 where Jesus goes to heal Jarius daughter! They then did this for the younger kids in the program! Did we mention no gringos were on campus!!We stand in awe of what God is doing and the leaders He is raising up. We are watching a church being formed before our eyes!!!! God is faithful!

- The news is hard, but we know the Great I Am! We ask that you please add us to your prayer list, and help us fight on our knees for complete healing. Pray specifically for the doctors as they plan the treatments and surgery. Pray for Carla Renee' Gann-Parker to have strength for this journey. * From Carla (10-14-24):I received my diagnosis earlier today. It is Metaplastic Carcinoma w/Squamous Differentiation, Grade 3. It’s a rare and aggressive cancer.
Pray for our family and especially our kids as we know this is so hard for our little ones to understand. We know that God already knew this was happening, and we trust Him completely. However, my flesh is struggling so much, your calls, text, messages and prayers are sustaining us. -Mike Parker
Please continue to be in prayer for our mission partners world-wide.
Here is a list of our mission partners.
Be in prayer for our 25th Anniversary Banquet and Celebration happening Thursday, November 14 from 6-8pm at Woodward Church of God in Athens. Tickets are $50 and can be purchase by calling the WATW office at 423-745-0010 or visit their website at www.thewomenatthewell.com
We currently have 10 students, 2 babies and 2 interns.
10/24 – prayer partners to pray fervently for lost souls
10/25 – outreach to the community
10/26 – Game Day #7 – referees to be consistent and fair
10/27 – Natalie Mashburn – FBCLC Children’s Director & Upward Coordinator
10/28 – last week of practice, Gospel presentation at each practice!
10/29 – parents to listen and participant during practice devotion time
10/30 – friendships to solidify between players and families
10/31 – FBCLC staff – pastors, ministers, administrators, janitorial, maintenance, etc.
11/01 – preparation for the end-of-the-season ceremony
11/02 – Game Day #8 – final game day – devotion time
11/03 – parents to attend the end-of-the-season ceremony tomorrow night with players
11/04 – Hearts to be open as the Gospel is shared during the end-of-the-season ceremony
Our "Ministries Passport" descriptions and contacts for the many ministries being implemented here at FBCLC. You also have one more week to tour the annual "Ministry Fair" located in the halls around the Sanctuary in the Worship Center. You can meet those ministry leaders and find out how you can say "yes" to serving.