Asia Trip - Fall
Pray for:
- Pastor Godwin.
- 300+ Churches in the Young Reapers for Christ Network.
- Pray for the Bible College students training for ministry.
- Pray for the church planting efforts in unreached villages.
- Pray for the financial support for Pastors serving in difficult areas.
- Pray for Revival across India!
Thank you for praying for our work and teams in Ukraine and Poland as mentioned above. Below are some addition praises and requests for which we would be grateful for your prayers:
- Our ministry in Poland continues to adapt to the current context. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians need trauma care and spiritual support as well as integration assistance. We are doing all that we can with a small team. Training ministries for young Next Generation leaders through Mission Eurasia’s School Without Walls program and support and mentoring for church planters continue to be growing priorities. Please pray that God would provide everything needed for our team, for our center, and for the work to continue with God’s blessing and power.
- Praise the Lord for a full, yet fruitful, summer of ministry. It is hard to imagine all that the Lord enabled us to do through multiple camps, outreaches, teams, preaching and teaching, translating, and more. Thank the Lord for His sustaining grace and pray for continued fruit.
- We will be sharing at the following US churches in next few months. Please pray that God would use our words to encourage and challenge His people to live boldly for Him.
◦ September 8 – Community Bible Church, Beaufort, SC
◦ September 15 – First Presbyterian Church, Clinton, SC
◦ November 8-13 – Highland Park Baptist Church, Southfield, MI
◦ November 24 – Pine Grove Church, Bowmansville, PA - The Unreached People Group Initiative’s basic curriculum and other new School Without Walls materials are being prepared for use this fall. May the Lord raise up and equip many to go to the unreached.
- Don will be traveling to Poland, Moldova, and Ukraine, leaving in mid-October. Pray as he introduces the Unreached People Groups Initiative curriculum at a School Without Walls leadership summit in Moldova. In Ukraine, he will be a part of a Mission Eurasia conference and pastor’s retreat. Pray that both Ukraine events will be a great encouragement to those weighed down by war.
- Esther continues work on mission curriculum for children’s ministry in the USA. These materials introduce people groups and cultures in Eurasia and highlight Mission Eurasia’s ministries in these locations with the purpose of encouraging kids and families to pray, give, and even go to the nations. Pray for the development of these materials.
- We are grateful for our family. This has been a year filled with many challenges, yet we have seen the Lord’s hand through it all. Health difficulties have marked the month of August. Please pray that each of us would fix our eyes squarely on Jesus.

Thursday, August 29th, God had another first for the Harvest load crew. (pictured below). Container 121 was almost 100% toys. Of course, we have sent thousands of toys on prior loads but not to this extent on one load. Our partners in Israel have been asking for toys for the children. “Why?”, you ask. I believe it is due to the thousands of Israeli children spending countless hours in bomb shelters due to the war. Providing toys and games is a means to help them cope and pass the time. We shipped a variety of toys including Avatar, Action Figures and even ole Mr. Potato Head.
We are now set to ship Container 15 to Ukraine the middle of next week. This container will be loaded with more medical supplies along with other critical materials to help them prepare for winter which is just around the corner. Next week’s container will follow on the heels of last week’s container #14 of hospital operating room bed covers. It is amazing to see all the supplies God sends to His warehouse and it is always just what is needed and just in time to fill the need. His is Good and He is Good all the time.

We are continuing to pray for Grace City Church.
Please pray for the staff of this Church:
- Brian(Katy) Owen -Pastor
- Matt(Rachel) Leverton -Worship and Men’s Lead
- Yasmin Lountchenko -Prayer Ministry Lead
- David(Christine) Schumann -Community Lead
- Jonathan Wells -Children’s Ministry Lead
- Max(Lauren) Brown -College Lead
- Tucker Thomas -College Ministry Intern
- Be in prayer for our "Virtual Run". We are so excited to be hosting a run that will impact so many in Guatemala. Every participant that runs will provide 200 meals for Guatemalan’s in need! Because it is a"Virtual Run" you can run anytime from today until October 31st. Here is the best part, you get to choose where you run, walk, or ride, you get to choose the date, and you can invite friends to join you. We also have special pricing for groups that choose to run together! Contact [email protected] to register your group! ( A group Is considered 5 or more.)
- Pray for our Clubhouse Comedy Night
Thursday October 17 you do not want to miss our Clubhouse Comedy night! This will be such a fun night of hearing stories of what God is doing in Guatemala and a great comedy show by Jonnie W.! Tickets are only $20 and we do offer group rates! Go to the link below and buy your tickets now!! Contact [email protected] if your church wants to load up the bus!! Buy tickets now!!!
Please continue to be in prayer for our mission partners world-wide.
Here is a list of our mission partners.
Be in prayer for our 25th Anniversary Banquet and Celebration happening Thursday, November 14 from 6-8pm at Woodward Church of God in Athens. Tickets are $50 and can be purchase by calling the WATW office at 423-745-0010 or visit their website at www.thewomenatthewell.com
We currently have 10 students, 2 babies and 2 interns.
9/17 – open hearts to respond to the gospel
9/18 – children who come from difficult family situations
9/19 – salvation for non-Christian players and parents
9/20 – enthusiasm to remain high
9/21 – Game Day #3 – hearts will be open to the gospel
9/22 – children in the instructional league (K4/K5)
9/23 – children in 1st grade
9/24 – children in 2nd grade
9/25 – children in 3rd grade
9/26 – all players to listen and want to learn about God
9/27 – church members/players to invite families to our services
9/28 – Game Day #4 – possible make-up day for pictures
9/29 – children in 4th grade
9/30 – children in 5th grade
10/1 – children in 6th grade
10/2 – workers/volunteers for the next game day
10/3 – church members/players to welcome families to our church
10/4 – consistent prayer among our prayer partners
10/5 – Game Day #5 – devotion time
10/6 – our pastors and speakers who lead our game devotions
10/7 – spirit of good sportsmanship for our parents
10/08 – referees and coaches
10/09 – team morale
10/10 – Family Ministry at FBCLC and all churches
10/11 – extra strength for volunteers who prepare the fields each week
10/12 – no games -- Fall Break -- enthusiasm to remain high as the season progresses
10/13 – no distractions during team devotions
10/14 – prepare hearts to hear and respond to the gospel
10/15 – everyone (players AND parents) to listen and learn about God
10/16 – church members/players to invite families to our services
10/17 – Dr. Chris Harding – FBCLC Family Pastor
10/18 – game day concessions workers
10/19 – Game Day #6 – FREE Bibles
10/20 – energy for all volunteers to finish strong
10/21 – Tony Franklin – Upward Director
10/22 – coaches to continually present the Gospel and Christ-like sportsmanship to the players
10/23 – schools, students, teachers, administrators, etc.
10/24 – prayer partners to pray fervently for lost souls
10/25 – outreach to the community
10/26 – Game Day #7 – referees to be consistent and fair
10/27 – Natalie Mashburn – FBCLC Children’s Director & Upward Coordinator
10/28 – last week of practice, Gospel presentation at each practice!
10/29 – parents to listen and participant during practice devotion time
10/30 – friendships to solidify between players and families
10/31 – FBCLC staff – pastors, ministers, administrators, janitorial, maintenance, etc.
11/01 – preparation for the end-of-the-season ceremony
11/02 – Game Day #8 – final game day – devotion time
11/03 – parents to attend the end-of-the-season ceremony tomorrow night with players
11/04 – Hearts to be open as the Gospel is shared during the end-of-the-season ceremony
Our "Ministries Passport" descriptions and contacts for the many ministries being implemented here at FBCLC. You also have one more week to tour the annual "Ministry Fair" located in the halls around the Sanctuary in the Worship Center. You can meet those ministry leaders and find out how you can say "yes" to serving.