July 2024 Missions Prayer Requests




Guatemala - Dec 27-Jan 2

December 27, 2024 to January 2, 2025 - The primary purpose is to distribute Christmas packs to kids; mostly at the feeding centers; some will be in-home visits.  The cost will cover airfare, in-country travel, housing, meals, and translators.  We will need a non-refundable deposit of $200 DUE BY AUGUST 4You can register on Realm. We are doing our best to keep it below $1,600.



Praise for our FBCLC Vacation Bible School this year gathering $3000 to buy a motorcycle for a Pastor AND donate to the K4K feeding program.



The last time I wrote we were heading into a week of kids camp.  More on that in a moment.  First, Esther and I would like to please ask you to pray for an end to this horrible war and for our friends and colleagues in Ukraine.  Just last week, Russia bombed a children’s hospital in Kyiv killing dozens and injuring over 140.  Even after two and a half years, I find it difficult to believe that Russia continues to freely carry out such atrocities.  On top of that, dear friends and others in the Ukrainian Church are being taken off the streets in Ukraine to join the fight.  One dear friend worked side-by-side with us on a church plant in Kyiv then came as a short term missionary to us in Kazakhstan on multiple occasions.  He was mobilized a few days ago.  Please pray for true peace in Ukraine!

In Poland we had a powerful and full week of Kids Bible Camp two weeks ago.  Your prayers were answered in many ways. Thank you for praying.  Many kids gave their lives to Jesus for the first time.  There were many stories after camp was over, but one that stuck out to me was that of a little girl from a unbelieving home saying that she was reading her new Bible everyday and wanted to know when she could come to another church event.  God is good!

But there was yet another invitation at this camp, the call to believing young people to give their lives God as missionaries.  Pastor Sergey clearly shared that a life of missions is a life of sacrifice, even possibly the ultimate sacrifice.  About a dozen kids, including two of the camps leaders came forward to commit to missions.  Praise the Lord!  Please pray that the seeds planted and commitments made will remain and blossom into abundant fruit!

We did experience some health difficulties at camp, including having to take one of the American team members to the emergency room on the last night.  Thankfully, he is doing better and is home.  It would seem that others have healed up too.  I missed my flight when I took him to the hospital, but was able to make a change without difficulty.  I arrived last Monday.  It was sooo good to reconnect with family here.

Now, I will be returning to Poland right away, leaving this Friday.  I will be able to attend the pastoral ordination of a key Mission Eurasia Ukrainian staff member in Warsaw, attend a wedding of our pastor’s son (marrying a Ukrainian who faithfully volunteered at our refugee center), assist with a special English day camp and prepare for our next teams.  I expect to speak a few times, so please pray for a movement of the Spirit.

Esther will arrive in time for our next camp in Poland on the 26th.  Please be in prayer as we prepare for teen camp at the end of July/early August.  We look forward to a team joining us from Philadelphia for this camp.  It will be a smaller group of teens, so we look forward to being able to invest even more individually in the young people.  Again, I will be speaking during camp together with a Ukrainian brother.  We need your prayers.

We will also be hosting a team of visitors from the UK and Canada who arrive on the 1st.  We will be preparing for their visit too in these next few weeks.

On top of all this, we have an opportunity to send more aid into Ukraine from Poland.  A Polish ministry partner is matching Mission Eurasia donations to send food to the front lines of Ukraine.  We are looking to raise $27,500 (making a total of $55,000 after the match).  Please pray for God’s provision!

Thank you for your continued prayers for us and our family.  May the Lord be glorified in each of us, may we know His presence, and boldly live for him with joy!  May you know His joy and heart!


  • Please pray for one of our ministry leaders who is battling cancer. His health has been weakening, and he needs the Lord to intervene. -Vietnam
  • An area of our country has been under tribal conflict for the last year. It's an area where we have lots of work; please pray that peace will make way for effective ministry. -Asia (Security-sensitive country)
  • A core leader in our country has passed away after a brain aneurysm; please pray for his family and that the vital work he was leading
  • would continue to be successful. -North Africa (Security-sensitive country)
  • Praise the Lord with us for the successful evangelism campaigns across East Africa between Passover and Pentecost. Thank God for
  • the many souls that turned to Him, the baptized, and the churches planted. -Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania
  • We just held a successful vision cast in Pennsylvania with many pastors and ministry leaders from up and down the East Coast. Pray for all those signing up to join as Paul’s (church plant mentors) and that this next cohort of leaders will see incredible fruit in their cities. -USA


First Feeds Head To Toe

Saturday, July 27 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Life Center. We are providing new shoes for Lenoir City Elementary Kids. We measured all the kids from Kindergarten through 4th grade before summer break. In addition, they will be given free socks and underwear, a choice for a haircut, and a Bible.

  • Prayer Needs:
  • Prayers for the reach and impact of this endeavor.
  • Prayer for resources to financially cover this endeavor.
  • Prayer for volunteers

North Middle School Campus Work Day
Friday, July 19 from 8am - 3pm - drop in any time to lend a helping hand and beautify our campus both inside & out.

Philadelphia School
Volunteers are needed for next Saturday, July 20th between 8am-noon or painting.  We will only need 10 to 15 volunteers.

Pray for the following families during military deployments:
- Travis Vaughn - Zac Frye
- Zach Martin - Ron Selvidge
- Hyatt Atkins -Dakota Ray


Our "Ministries Passport" descriptions and contacts for the many ministries being implemented here at FBCLC. You also have one more week to tour the annual "Ministry Fair" located in the halls around the Sanctuary in the Worship Center.  You can meet those ministry leaders and find out how you can say "yes" to serving.