When you GIVE missionaries GO.
Find out more about Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North America Missions HERE
And check out our North American Mission Board Partner Grace City Boston
Costa Rica - June 4-11
Please be in prayer for the team as they prepare to be the hands and feet to the people of Costa Rica.
The Team: Garland Alford; Jennifer Alford; Susan Alford; Nicole Baker; Chris Codispoti; Steve Cook; Janna Gentry; Lilyana Helton; Carol Jenkins; Adelynn Kirkland; David Lincolnogger; Rebekah Lincolnogger; Paula Linginfelter; Jane Martin; Gracie Newbloom; Olivia Newbloom; Maleah Roberts; Sabrina Stamper; Michael Stephens; Becca Thuillez; Terry Walden; Gracie Williams and Sandy Woodfint
Thank you for praying for the needs of our work in Poland, for our team there, and for God to bring much fruit. Below are some addition praises and requests for which we would be grateful for your prayers:
- Please pray for Rebekah and Zach as they await the arrival of their third child in May, our third grandchild. Pray for a healthy delivery, a good transition into a family of five, and that each child would come to know Jesus.
- Please pray for us as we continue to walk through life, especially through trials with our adult children. May we be a blessing to them. And pray that the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened in order that they may know the hope to which He has called them in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:18).
- Esther has been asked by Mission Eurasia to help develop children’s materials for US churches to encourage their children to be involved in missions. Pray for wisdom and creativity as she develops these materials.
- Don is thankful to be able to spend more time, focusing on the Unreached People Groups Initiative by inspiring, mobilizing, and equipping the church in Eurasia to reach the unreached. Pray for wisdom as he works on practical training materials to be used later this year.
- We are preparing for a summer of ministry in Poland, including multiple summer Bible camps. We are working with teams from the US, who will come and support us as we reach out to kids, teens, and youth. Please pray for good communication and effective preparations.
- Joy is going to Indonesia on a short-term mission trip in May. Please pray for her as she prepares. And pray for unity on her team and for effective ministry.
- Pray for an end to the war in Ukraine!
* February 24, 2022 marks two years since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces. This brutal conflict has impacted nearly every sphere of Ukrainian society and has brought death and destruction on a scale not seen since World War II.

I begin a series of unique ministry efforts with daily visits, prayers, and influence in each office. Sometimes these are with Legislators, sometimes with the staff. Pray that God will blow His Spirit upon these divine encounters with fruitfulness for the Gospel. Last week when visiting an office that serves the city of Memphis, I was introduced to a new intern by the Legislative Assistant. As I attempted to explain what I do to him, she interrupted, "He's the person who keeps hope alive around here." Wow! What a summation of my work. Pray that God would help me to continue to be seen as someone who brokers hope in a sin-depressed world!
As always, thank you for your prayers. It means the world for the effectiveness of what we do. As both Democrats and Republicans come together in peace for at least one hour each Tuesday morning, pray that God will use His Word to guide, instruct, correct, and draw these precious souls to each other and Himself! And in this season when giving is usually low and the need is highest, please pray and ask God what you might do through giving to strengthen our witness together.
- Training National Trainers (TFT) Session that we are going to have March 11-14 with another group of 20 pastors. This is part of our expository preaching training that we inherited from Bill Mills. This session is going to be on the Gospel of Mark.
- Pray for the native Bulgarian missionaries in Rhodope Mountains that were among the Muslim population. We visited them this last weekend in the border town of Zlatograd. This is a constant spiritual sowing and spiritual warfare..
- Safety for the volunteers driving for MOH
- Wisdom for the Mission of HOPE scholarship committee as they choose 2024 College Scholars
- Route 3 Community Baptist Church in Martin County KY. We are sending this church water as their city water is currently not drinkable.
Thank you for extending the HOPE. https://missionofhope.org/
- Our 36 Pastor Training Schools in 9 countries, our teachers at those schools and our more than 824 students attending. Praying for God to bless these men as they prepare and for His blessing and leadership as they seek when/where to plant these new churches.
- Pray for a profound evangelistic witness to the many areas that will receive mission teams from 25 US churches over the next six months. These teams have an incredible impact on these rural areas in helping with evangelistic outreach and church planting through hut to hut evangelism, Jesus Film, Sports Ministry, Medical Camps and more.
- Pray for our Staff in this year of transition and growth. Phil Johnsey our founder and current President will be retiring at the end of 2024 and their is lots of details involved in making the transition by year end. Pray for Phil Johnsey, President, Eric Perkins, President-elect, Jay Parks, Partnership Development and Curriculum Director for PTS, Wayne and Amy Heaton, missionaries currently serving in Malawi and our Board for Directors.
- Pray for our Missionaries Wayne and Amy Heaton along with their boys, Timothy and Samuel. They are currently preparing to move from Malawi to Kenya this summer. Would you pray for them in the process of transition, for their boys as they will experience a move to a new culture and new school. Also, be praying for Revadean Quastad who is currently preparing to move to our base in Kisumu. She is a nurse practitioner with over 20 years of experience of living in Africa and speaks Swahili.
Prayer for Current Ministry Needs:
- Jesus Film Units for each of Pastor Training schools and Soccer Ministry Start-up funds. Cost:1500 each school. (Some of our schools have Jesus Film units but many do not.)
- Ministry Support for our administration as our work is expanding greatly we are in need of hiring an administrative assistant. Cost 15k annually
- Bibles for our Pastor’s in Training. Bibles cost on average about 10 dollars each.
- Support for a National Missionary (Chisomo Kamoto) moving from Malawi to serve in Zambia. 1800.00 annually.
- Church buildings/roofs 4000 each. Current Need is for 7 roofs.
- Praise God for the joy in telling of our hope in Jesus, and for His Spirit granting us the Word to be spoken and the courage to tell of Jesus.
- Pray for those who live in predominately Muslim lands, that God would open their eyes to Jesus both as prophet and God, and our only salvation.
- Pray that all who follow Christ would walk with both compassion and courage, being broken hearted for the lost and compelled to tell all of our hope in Jesus, even when facing fierce resistance.
- We are still praying boldly for a location to lease for our church. We are in negotiations with an owner for a location on Commonwealth Ave, which is across from Boston University. We need prayer so that we may keep growing in church finances and that we would have a favorable offer for the lease.
- Christine and I are looking to find a new place to live when our lease is up in September. We have been in the same apartment since we moved here in September of 2020, but we are trying to find a longer-term living space which would include a 2nd bedroom for Christine's sewing business. Pray for good options and opportunities for us, which would be a true miracle in this expensive city!
- I have a cardiologist appointment on March 25 for my heart condition. I have felt more and more symptoms with my heart's palpitations (pain, chest tightness, fluttering, etc), and this appointment will help me test the burden of my heart. It will start with more testing, but could result in medication or surgery depending on the severity of the situation. Please pray for my heart's health and the wisdom of the doctors.
Thank you so much, FBCLC! We love your prayers and your partnership up here in Boston.
"We always thank God for all of you, making mention of you constantly in our prayers. We recall, in the presence of our God and Father, your work produced by faith, your labor motivated by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
-David Schumann and Grace City Church
1. LCHS FCA Leadership Team
2. All Coaches and student Athletes at Lenoir City will proudly proclaim the gospel on and off the field
3. Pray for Continuous funding to help put Bibles and/or resources in the hands of every coach/athlete in the Fort Loudoun FCA Area
4. Pray to bring the right full-time staff in the area to facilitate more FCA Involvement.
5. Pray for volunteers to rise up to help be character coaches, to help accommodate our 15 campus huddles in our area
6. Pray for every student-athlete/coach that attends FCA Camps this summer and they will grab a hold of the mission and vision for FCA at their local school
7. Prayers for the first-ever Fields of Faith even in the Loudon County/Lenoir City area
8. Pray for people in our area to want to be a part of Fort Loudoun FCA (volunteer, donor, character coach, or just a partner whatever they feel led to do)
- Please pray for the Gideon bible distributions to Loudon County schools
- Please continue to pray for God's wisdom and direction for WOM Ministry and that we will move forward as a Christ-centered cohesive group.
- Pray for our April meeting and the Kids Hope Ministry that our group will be open to their needs. And for our support of the Costa Rico mission trip
As we finish the 2024 school year, please pray for those strong relationships between mentor and student that have been developing all year. Pray that our end of year parties can be scheduled and be a joyous celebration for the children to feel loved and cared for. Pray for health and happiness for these children over the summer.
How to Pray for Political Leaders
It is easy to criticize and complain about our political leaders and the decisions they make. However, there is a better way. The Bible instructs us to pray for them: “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone, for kings and all those in authority...” — 1 Timothy 2:1-2a
But, what should we pray? Here are nine suggestions based on selected scriptures.
1. Salvation of those who have not yet put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
Political leaders, like all people, need the forgiveness of sins and the new life that comes through putting one’s faith in Jesus Christ. “God our Savior . . . . wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1Timothy 2:3b-4). Praying for the salvation of political leaders should be a top priority in a Christian’s life (Acts 4:10-12; Romans 10:9).
2. Divine Wisdom
Political leaders are regularly called upon to make very difficult decisions that affect many people. Divine wisdom is available for those who ask God for it (James 1:5). Good decisions will seldom be made without God’s wisdom (Psalm 111:10).
3. Discernment
Sometimes there is a fine line between a right or a wrong decision. Every day a political leader is called upon to vote on an issue that may or may not be good for the people they represent. It is in these times they need Godly discernment (1 Kings 3:9).
4. Courage
Political expediency often trumps a political leader’s conscience. It is only with courage that a leader will trust that God is the protector and defender of all right decisions (2 Samuel 10:12).
5. Perseverance
When political leaders act courageously and make right decisions they must be able to persevere through the pressure, tests and trials that will surely come their way. Even when their careers may be at stake, they must persevere and do the right thing (James 1:12; 2 Timothy 4:7).
6. Humility
Political leaders have great power, deal with immense sums of money, and are often treated like royalty. This can quickly go to their heads and lead to arrogance and pride. Pray that God will keep them on their knees and heed His instruction; so that being led by Him they may rightly lead those they represent (1 Peter 5:5; Isaiah 66:2).
7. Teachability
When a political leader is wise and resists the temptation of pride, a teachable spirit will be evident (Proverbs 9:9; Ecclesiastes 4:13). We never know so much that God has nothing new to teach us.
8. Moral Integrity
Political leaders regularly encounter strong temptations that include greed, deceitfulness, sexual immorality, and alcohol and drug abuse. They are often away from their families for many days at a time with little to no accountability. Pray for them to have the strength to resist these temptations that can destroy their lives, families, as well as their effectiveness as leaders (Psalm 25:21; Isaiah 33:15-16).
9. Self-control
Political leaders face daily temptations that can cause them to lose control of their attitudes and actions. They cannot control their circumstances but they can control their response to those circumstances. Prayer to maintain self-control is paramount for their success (Proverbs 25:28; 2 Timothy 1:7). The Message paraphrase interestingly translates Proverbs 16:32b, self-control is better than political power.
Daily Prayer for your Tennessee Leaders at www.PRAY1TIM2.org