February 2024 Missions Prayer Requests




Costa Rica - June 4-11
Prayers for the team that the Lord is forming to travel and be the hands and feet of Jesus this summer.



  • Family - I returned from Poland at the end of last week.  I had asked you to pray for Esther as she stayed home and for me and my heart as I traveled to Europe.  God sustained even though there were challenges on both sides of the ocean.  Then, after getting home God answered a specific prayer for our family that we had been waiting to be answered.  Praise the Lord!  You have prayed with us for our family too.  Thank you!  Let us loudly sing to our Lord in praise!
  • Poland -  The team continues to go through many changes and transitions as the war approaches the two year mark.  I was glad that I could walk with them these last weeks in person.  I told you that I wanted to encourage and comfort the team and church there.  God opened doors for that.  Keep praying for the team there, that God would provide spiritually and financially and give us all clear direction.

While we have lessened our humanitarian work in Poland, we have continued to provide a variety of spiritual and practical training and trauma care.  I was very encouraged to sit in on a trauma care group with 8 unchurched Ukrainian teens who regularly come for these sessions.  Many different group events and outreaches were scattered throughout the two weeks I was there.  The needs remain great, but God is opening hearts.

A highlight that I witnessed was a baptism which included a woman who was beaming ear to ear.  She came to the church through our refugee ministry and said that she found her Savior and a family, our church, in Warsaw.  Praise the Lord!

You prayed for the visits of our field ministry director and a partner church too.  God used both of these visits to encourage and give direction.  Please keep praying for clarify as our Poland strategy shifts to deal with new realities.

It was a bittersweet departure this time.  While we plan to return soon, we won’t have the apartment where Esther and I have lived off and on for the last 2 years.  Thank the Lord with us for this provision for these two years.

  • Interviews - I will have two more interviews in the next week (Friday the 9thand Wednesday the 14th).  With so many false narratives in the media today, pray that I can clearly and boldly speak the truth.
  • New Jersey & Pennsylvania - Esther and I will leave next Friday (16th) for an east coast ministry trip.  I will preach in Collingswood, NJ on the 18th and in Myerstown, PA on the 24th.  Please pray for a movement of the Spirit and clarity as I speak, as well as a response from God’s people.  We will have many partner and friends visits on other days.  I am grateful that we will be able to stay with family too.

Pastor Michael - Our pastor from Poland is traveling in the USA right now.  His hope to raise awareness and partners for the ministry in Poland, especially the church in Warsaw.  Pray for a fruitful visit and for encouragement for my dear brother.

Thank you for praying through these praises, requests and upcoming events.  God answers prayer!


    I begin a series of unique ministry efforts with daily visits, prayers, and influence in each office. Sometimes these are with Legislators, sometimes with the staff. Pray that God will blow His Spirit upon these divine encounters with fruitfulness for the Gospel. Last week when visiting an office that serves the city of Memphis, I was introduced to a new intern by the Legislative Assistant. As I attempted to explain what I do to him, she interrupted, "He's the person who keeps hope alive around here." Wow! What a summation of my work. Pray that God would help me to continue to be seen as someone who brokers hope in a sin-depressed world!
    As always, thank you for your prayers. It means the world for the effectiveness of what we do. As both Democrats and Republicans come together in peace for at least one hour each Tuesday morning, pray that God will use His Word to guide, instruct, correct, and draw these precious souls to each other and Himself! And in this season when giving is usually low and the need is highest, please pray and ask God what you might do through giving to strengthen our witness together.


    • Joseph Warren and wife Katie have resigned to move back to Utah for missions opportunities there.
    • Micah Wilder and the rest of the Adam's Road Ministry is in the process of moving to Kentucky from Florida.  Micah, his wife and sons visited FBCLC for the last missions conference.
    • Micah described how he has been working hard to construct their facility and showed us photos of their progress.

    Micah Wilder and the rest of the Adam's Road Ministry is in the process of moving to Kentucky from Florida.  Micah, his wife, and sons visited FBCLC for the last missions conference. Micah is working hard to construct their new facility in Kentucky. Joseph Warren and wife Katie have resigned to move back to Utah for missions opportunities there.  Please pray that Joseph, Micah and the rest of the team will be blessed through the changes and sacrifices made through their ministry.

    We want to extend our deepest gratitude for your steadfast support. Your commitment to our mission has brought HOPE to countless lives, and we are truly grateful for the impact we've achieved together.

    This year has been marked by remarkable achievements, all made possible by your generous support. From our Back-to-School program, Christmas program, Bridges of HOPE, and MOH Scholarship, we’ve made a positive impact on individuals and communities alike. Your contributions have turned challenges into opportunities, and we're proud of what we've accomplished together.

    We can't emphasize enough how critical your support has been. Whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, each action has played a vital role in our success. Your belief in our mission has been the driving force behind our ability to make a difference.

    As we reflect on the past year, we're filled with HOPE for the future. With your continued support, we're confident in our ability to create lasting change. Our mission remains steadfast, and together, we can build a world where HOPE prevails and every person has the opportunity to thrive.

    We want to express our sincere appreciation for your belief in the mission. Your support has made a tangible difference, and we're excited about the future's possibilities. Thank you for extending the HOPE. https://missionofhope.org/

    Prayer requests for TTI’s work in the country of Benin.
    • May God grant hearts that understand the seriousness of the invasion of animism and Islam in these areas to better engage in discipleship.
    • May the Lord grant the Timothy's the enthusiasm to plan health churches.
    • May the Lord help the Paul's to grasp the curriculum content and train Timothy's accordingly.
    • May the LORD abundantly bless TTI’s partners so we can have Jesus Film Kits to facilitate evangelism and strengthen the planted churches.
    • Pray for the Beninese nation that God will keep directing our political leaders.
    • Pray for unity within the body of Christ in Benin.
    • May the Lord continue protecting us from traffic accidents. May He project us from all danger.
    For more information about TTI’s method, visit https://www.ttionline.org/the-method/
    24-7 Prayer


    In Belarus, Pastor Alexander wrote to tell us of their Christmas ministry and its fruit—even among adults. He shares, “We prepared long and hard for the outreach. We invited a youth theater, bought gifts, and printed beautiful invitations. Believers from the church distributed these invitations among neighbors and acquaintances, as well as at work. Many children had been to the Christmas party last year, as well as to the Vacation Bible School. Therefore, they gladly responded to the invitations.

    As a result, more people wanted to come to the celebration than we could accommodate. We have about 25 children in our Sunday school, but we had more than 80 that came to the outreach. About 20 of them had never been to church before! My neighbor Eugene had a son who went to another event, but he (he is about 40 years old) asked if he could come alone. He liked the production from last year. He did come and watched the outreach with interest.

    We ask you to pray for the children and adults who came. It is difficult to evangelize adults now, but the children are very responsive. We believe this is a door that God is opening for us and we want to do what we can to gain these little hearts for Christ. Dear friends, grace and peace to you. Your prayers and labor are very valuable to us in these difficult times, and we thank you! We do not feel alone and we see the good results of your prayers.”

    Please Pray Today:

    • Intercede for the thousands of children and their caregivers who heard the Gospel through SGA-supported Immanuel’s Child outreaches. May many come to faith in Christ!
    • Pray for the daily ongoing ministries of SGA-supported missionary pastors and church planters. Ask for protection and God’s sure guidance.
    • Even though Christmas ministries have concluded, planning is already underway for next season. Please lift the planning in prayer, asking for God’s ongoing provision.


    Here are the current things that we would love prayer for.

    • Pray for our leadership here in the States, in Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.
    • Pray for wisdom with all discussions so that God may be glorified in everything we do.
    • Pray for our pastors group in Nicaragua.
    • Pray for all of our current and future partners in Costa Rica.
    • Pray that God will help us bring all of the Baptist associations together in harmony in Costa Rica as we begin a pastors program there.
    • Pray for our teams that will be serving in Costa Rica and Nicaragua in the coming months.
    • Pray that God would open more doors with more pastors in Costa Rica.



    • Spiritual protection from the Lord for all those who work and serve in our counseling ministry.
    • Wisdom for Randall in his leadership of the ministry.
    • We currently have 13 people who are pursuing Biblical counseling certification.
    • This is a praise and a request.  We are thankful for the 13; and we’d ask for prayer for their walks with the Lord, and their continued preparation for certification.
    • One more, please pray for growing relationships with other churches in the surrounding area.  We hope to be a beacon for Biblical counseling in our area and want to foster those relationships with other pastors/churches.

    Please pray for (name removed). He is out of prison now and is in Mississippi and called me for help. He is losing his eyesight and needs a place to stay. I have talked to him numerous times and I am trying to get the halfway house in Mississippi where he is staying for 30 days, to extend his privileges. Please keep him in your prayers.

    The prison has changed their position on allowing me to bring cards into the prison that are made by a wonderful Lutheran Church in my neighborhood. I have a meeting with the warden at MCCX to see if he will allow me special consideration due to my long tenure at the prison and the fact that I only minister to men in maximum security. Another BIG prayer request.


    • Pray for God's wisdom and direction for WOM ministry and that we would move forward as a Christ centered cohesive group.
    • Pray for our March meeting with KARM that hearts will be tender to the needs and God leads us in how we can support this ministry both as a group and individually.