Here are your mission trip opportunities for 2024. Watch the bulletin and Realm for sign-ups happening in the next few weeks.
Guatemala - February 7-14
Leader: Scott Williams
Prayer Requests:
- Clear direction for the tasks
- Travel mercies and for allowance of all material to be available and make it to their destination
- fruitful Bible study with the women in the community
- construction safety
India - May 16-23
Leader: Chris Harding
Costa Rica - June 4-11
Interest meeting on Jan 21 in the Sanctuary balcony following the 10:30 am service.
Montana - August, TBD
Leader: Bobby Ramsey
Kenya - November 29-December 6
Leader: John Hunn
Disaster Relief
Leader: David Kozak
Training Opportunities coming (Jan 20; Feb 17; Mar 15-16) Visit DR to find out more
- Praise God for although He is the Creator of all, the sustainer of all, He knows us by name and loves us immeasurably in his Son Jesus.
- Pray for widows and single mothers who strive to survive with no family to support them. Pray that God will bring a local church into their lives, and turn their hearts to Jesus in faith.
- Pray that faithful believers are never too busy nor ready to care for widows and single mothers who are struggling, that they and we would be family to those who have none.
- Podcast Interviews - I (Don) will be interviewed for two separate Podcasts tomorrow morning (the 9th) and Wednesday morning (the 10th). Please pray for bold clarity from me for both interviews. There are a lot of misleading and false news topics floating around and the preliminary talking points for tomorrow’s interview point to some of these topics. I want to share life-change stories and be lead by the Spirit. And pray that there would be a good response.
- Returning to Poland - I (Don) will be returning to Poland, leaving next Wednesday (the 17th) and returning just over 2 weeks later (on the 2nd of February). There are many plans for this visit and I would ask you to please cover my time there with prayer.
- 1) I will be a part of a conference that Mission Eurasia is helping facilitate for Ukrainian pastors (19th-20th). The conference is about church leadership, evangelism and church planting.
- 2) I will be meeting with our Poland Mission Eurasia team to talk some more through some critical adjustments to our team and work. Please pray for wisdom, grace and clear direction and decisions together.
- 3) I will host our Mission Eurasia Field Director and we will have important planning and leadership sessions together with the team. He and I will also discuss the next steps in the UPG Initiative reboot. Pray for good understanding.
- 4) We will be hosting a partner church from Maryland for a week. Praise the Lord for this newly emerging strategic partnership. Pray that this trip would open many doors for shared ministry.
- 5) I will be closing the Mission Eurasia apartment in Warsaw. While we will continue to travel into Poland, keeping this apartment is not fiscally wise. So, closing a chapter but opening a new one.
- 6) There are often many opportunities to speak and share when I travel. Please pray that I would "Always be ready to give an answer to every man who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you, with gentleness and fear” (1 Peter 3:15).
- Joy’s Class and Spring trip - Joy’s winter-term class continues. Pray that she would accomplish much in short windows of time, especially before heading back to school in about 2 weeks. I am attaching the letter that I sent written by Joy describing her Spring trip. Thanks for praying for her as she prepares for this big step.
- Family - We continue to go up and down as we journey together as a family. I would ask that you pray for God’s “peace that passes understanding,” and for His kind mercy to be abundant. And please pray for these things when I leave on my trip. Pray that Esther would know His grace and peace.
Our Number One Need is Prayer
One of the best ways you can help us reach the world with the Word of God is to pray for our Association. More specifically, please pray that:
- Many individuals and families will be saved through reading Gideon-placed Bibles and New Testaments
- More locations, communities, and countries allow the distribution of God’s Word
- Members will travel safely and in no way be prevented from doing their work
- There will be steady flow of funds to cover the printing and shipping of Bibles and New Testaments around the world
Local Gideon prayer needs
Continue to pray for new active members. Current membership is older and non-participating in functions.
- Intercession for the College Campus/The Place of Work
- Intercession for Revival in Boston
- Intercession for Salvation and Healing
- Intercession for the Church in Boston
- Intercession for Global Mission
- Intercession for Justice and Racial Reconciliation
Video at https://vimeo.com/819644268
Pray for:
- Brownsville Baptist Church to be a beacon of light to people moving to the area.
- New Vision Baptist Church to see regrowth as its strategic location is ideal for construction workers moving to the area.
- Blue Acres RV Park and Zion Baptist Church for outreach in temporary RV parks set up for workers.
- Stanton Baptist Church near the center of the location of the Oval City building project.
- Charleston Baptist Church located near the Oval City building project.
- First Baptist Church of Mason located in a nearby town.
- Mason Cowboy Church that their style of church will be welcoming to workers moving into the area.
- Keeling Baptist Church that they will be the salt and light the community needs.
- Hope of Glory Baptist Church has a tremendous impact in the area.
- Cristo Rey Baptist Church as this church reaches the growing Hispanic population growing in the area.
- Forty new churches growing up in area to meet the spiritual needs of the area. Pray for wisdom, land, and resources to help the churches meet the needs of people in the area.
More information available at https://www.tnbaptist.org/blueovalcity
- Pray for new students
- Wisdom for staff & interns
- Healing for Mrs Robin
- Restoration with their children
- Financial favor
- Vehicles for some of our ladies
- Wisdom for the next steps for interns and graduates
The 70 million Deaf people around the world use over 200 sign languages. They are some of the least evangelized people on earth. Prayer is essential to the task of reaching them.
Join believers all around the world in prayer for Deaf people throughout January.
- An estimated 80 million culturally Deaf have almost no access to Scripture in their heart language.
- The majority of the Deaf have never seen Jesus’ name signed in their language. Often ignored and oppressed, the Deaf are some of the least evangelized people on earth.
- Face-to-face gatherings are the lifeblood in Deaf culture, because communication only happens visually in this community.

- Open Enrollment in January. Praying for 115 students. K-8th grades.
- Continued growth in Preschool and Daycare
- Afterschool program where we pick up children from the public schools. A bus driver for our after school program.
- Sharing the gospel with all the families with whom we minister.
Dear family of God,
I want to take this time to let you know a little about the jail ministry. Each week we go in expecting Jesus to move for those who find themselves in a dark place. We hope as we follow Jesus' leading, it will make our time feel safe and free to hear the Word of God without any hindrances. The girls look forward to this time as we are greeted with smiles, and many times throughout the sessions tears flow. As they leave they are so thankful we have come. As always they ask us for a Bible. With your generous help, we can give many of them their first Bible. I recall one time, handing a woman a Bible and she was reluctant to take it as she said, "Is this for me, I have never gotten a gift from anyone before”. With tears streaming down her face and mine too, I said, "Yes, this is for you, you are loved by me and the greatest of all time, Jesus”.
I am thankful God has made a way for us to enter the jail and share God’s love. As we speak hope and assurance in salvation they can start over and follow Jesus and His plan for their life. This wouldn’t be impossible without your generous giving for Bibles and your prayers. We pray each Bible and a small touch of love will have a lasting impact on each one of these ladies.
Again, thank you so much for all you have done, and in many ways for the things we won’t see in their entirety until
we see Jesus. I think often about the song, Thank you for giving of yourselves, I am a life that was changed.” Let’s continue to go out together and spread the love of Jesus with our offerings and our feet until all are given the opportunity to know Him.
Until all are healed, Carol Edmunds, Chaplain for the Lenoir City Jail
- Can you ask for prayer for protection from sickness as we go each week
- always pray for salvation to come to those who do not know Jesus.
- for Bibles. They love to get them.
- we would love for the time to change back to 5:30 instead of 6:30. With 1-3 sessions it gets late.
- That we would continue to be a ministry that can operate behind the scenes,
- That we would be prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually for a time when our ministry is needed,
- That God would give us wisdom as we work to make and update our formal, written plans of response,
- That God would protect all events on campus,
- God will continue to provide resources to our team as we work to improve safety on campus.
We have several conferences that our church family is hosting or are a part of. Please be in prayer for these and those who will be present to hear the Gospel message and for those presenting it.
Jan 26 & 27 - FBCLC Women's Conference
Feb 2 & 3 - 865Men Men's Conference at FB Concord
Feb 2-4 - FBCLC Ignite WKND for students (6th-12th grade)
Night to Shine ® sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation
An unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs, ages 14 and older. REGISTER SOMEONE
at The Venue at Lenoir City located at 7690 Creekwood Park Blvd, Lenoir City, TN 37772
This event is free and for people with special needs, ages 14 and older.
Friday (1/19) With the eyes of so many watching, the enemy likes to bring down those in spiritual leadership. Please pray that the pastors would be shielded from the attack of the enemy and the desires of the flesh, and be controlled by the Holy Spirit. Pray that they would live lives of purity, humility, love and honor.
Saturday (1/20) The message of the Gospel is life changing! Please pray that the Holy Spirit would empower these pastors to boldly and effectively share the Gospel message and that many would come to a saving knowledge of the truth.
Sunday (1/21) Night to Shine is in less than 3 weeks! There are so many details to coordinate between now and then, and it can be overwhelming at times. Please pray for peace and that all the pieces will fall in place for this special night, according to God’s will.
Monday (1/22) Please pray for creativity and wisdom in the planning process. There are many decisions to be made regarding flow, timing, decorating, supplies and a myriad of other things! Please pray for discernment in the scheduling and organization of all the plans.
Tuesday (1/23) Hosting a prom is a big job and can be exhausting at times. Please pray that everyone involved in planning Night to Shine would find their strength in Christ, resting and abiding in Him. Also, please pray for protection from spiritual attack for all aspects of Night to Shine.
Wednesday (1/24) It is said that many hands make light work...which is true. But at times, lots of different personalities working together on a project can also lead to conflict. Please pray that all Night to Shine teams would experience supernatural unity and harmony, and that they would sharpen each other to become more like Christ through this process.
Thursday (1/25) Each vendor, business, sponsor, and media outlet is bringing something unique to the table, and for some, there are a lot of details and timing to coordinate. Please pray that everything would go smoothly as they gather supplies, and accurately promote Night to Shine. Pray that they would have generous hearts, and that each Night to Shine and church would have favor in the community.
Friday (1/26) God has given each person different gifts and expertise. Please pray that God would guide the minds of those involved and give them creativity as they plan how to make things special for each honored guest. Also, pray that God would guide the hands of the vendors as they prepare, set up, and serve with their unique gifts.
Saturday (1/27) Please pray for those who are supporting or donating out of the kindness of their hearts, but have never come to a knowledge of the truth. Pray that they would come to know Jesus as their Savior through their exposure to this event and their interactions with the body of Christ.
Sunday (1/28) It is truly incredible to see how many people step up to help with Night to Shine. Please pray that their motives would be pure and that they would be helping for the right reasons. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would fill each volunteer with God’s love and that they would shower it lavishly upon the honored guests.
Monday (1/29) Night to Shine is so fun, and it can be easy to get distracted with all the festivities. Please pray that volunteers would stay focused on serving God by creating an atmosphere of joy and excitement for the honored guests, making them feel like royalty.
Tuesday (1/30) There is such variety in the types of special needs people have. Please pray that volunteers would have wisdom and creativity in meeting the specific needs of each different guest.
Wednesday (1/31) Each honored guest is such a gift to this world! Please pray that they would grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for them, that they would know this love that surpasses knowledge—and that they may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Thursday (2/1) Please pray for any fears or insecurities these special guests may have, and that they would rejoice and celebrate how God designs and makes each one of us different and perfect for His purposes! Please pray that they would be inspired to serve God with their unique gifts, talents, and stories.
Friday (2/2) Many of the guests who come to prom have health or medical issues. Please pray for complete healing and strengthening of their bodies, and pray that nothing would hinder those from coming whom God wants to be there.
Saturday (2/3) In some countries, people with special needs are viewed as cursed and lesser in value. Please pray against the persecution endured by these precious ones and that the Holy Spirit would change the culture and hearts in those countries to see the God-given value of all people. Please pray that each one of the honored guests’ lives, all over the world, would be a picture and testimony of the greatness of God, for His glory alone!
Sunday (2/4) It breaks our hearts when we hear stories of how families of those with special needs are sometimes not able or welcome to attend church. Please pray that they would feel at home in the church body and loved by God’s people.
Monday (2/5) Please pray that the Holy Spirit would strengthen these families and give them a special measure of grace to continue the sometimes difficult journey of caring for a person with special needs. Pray that they would know how much their acts of sacrifice, love and service matter, and that they would not grow weary in doing good.
Tuesday (2/6) Night to Shine is a night where parents and caregivers can get a break and get special treatment themselves. Please pray that they would be refreshed both physically and spiritually.
Wednesday (2/7) It’s crazy to think of the hundreds of thousands of people globally who will be traveling to be a part of prom! Please pray that God would protect each person as they travel to and from the event, including Tim and the TTF staff. Also, being February, many states experience inclement weather at this time of year. Please pray that the weather would be beautiful on prom day and that the roads would be clear.
Thursday (2/8) It’s go time! Please pray for extra energy for all the teams and coordinators, and that every detail would fall in place perfectly and at the perfect time. May God be glorified in everything!
Friday (2/9) What a day to celebrate! Please pray that God would fill all those involved with joy bubbling over in their souls, and that the Gospel would be lived out boldly. May God’s glory be on display for all to see tonight!
Saturday (2/10) Praise God for His goodness and faithfulness! His mighty works displayed for all to see last night. Blessed be His great and holy name!