“The Unfinished Task”
Step into the mission fields on Sunday, November 5 at 9:00 & 10:30 am in the Life Center.
Bring your “tribe” (you, your family or small group) and travel the world of missions at FBCLC.
Visit with our partners and see where we are going in 2024 and how you can get involved!
Both worship services will be in the sanctuary on that Sunday.
Praying for the conference:
- Remind people to pray for the Mission Conference, on Sunday, November 5, both Sunday morning services.
- Concurrent mission fairs will take place that will allow people to interact with missionaries and learn about our mission agencies.
- One of our mission partners will be preaching in the morning services.
In case you missed this week’s Word on Wednesday, Pastor John’s message answers "
Please be in prayer for mission trips being planned for 2024.
- area that God would like us to reach
- travel arrangements
- project planning
- team formation and anointing
- that the hearts of those encountered to be open to the Gospel
- Continual prayer for our moms and dads in parenting classes.
- For HOPE's staff we prepare for changes in leadership.
- For general fundraising needs as we near the end of 2023.
- For our moms receiving baby showers on September 7th as they prepare to deliver their babies.
Staff Focus
Join us in praying specifically for Megan Matthews this month. Megan is our Director of Patient Services, overseeing all volunteer activities and our parenting education program. If you've met Megan, you know her passion for this ministry and for equipping moms-to-be with the resources they need as they prepare to deliver their babies. We are incredibly grateful to have Megan on staff at HOPE!
Our trip has been canceled. Very sad for the Israeli people, and for our Legislators who so eagerly wanted to bring encouragement and learn so much. My next trip due to leave on October 20 has not be canceled yet. They’re hoping things settle down and we can be encouraging to them while we’re there! Thanks for your thoughts and concerns and do pray first for them and then for us!
The Gideon prayer needs are as follows:
• New active younger members.
• Prayer for local churches and pastors. Many churches have not recovered after Covid and are struggling financially due to loss of members who never returned after Covid.
- Pray for missionary pastors who face incredible hardships and difficulties in their ministries, yet do so with joy. Ask for God's provision and encouragement.
- Lift up the many in remote towns and villages across Siberia and other regions where believers are scarce. May God open their hearts to the Gospel as faithful believers visit them.
- As winter gets ever closer, pray for the health and strength of our brothers and sisters, as well as for God's daily provision for them and their families.
We need your prayers In these trying times, we implore you to offer prayers for the leaders of Israel. Our colleagues, pastors, and brethren are devotedly serving their communities, even when called into military service. They urgently seek your prayers. Please join us in praying fervently for the safety and resilience of our team in the Holy Land, as they steadfastly pursue the Lord's work amidst these grievous circumstances. Pray for security and peace in Israel, a land where Jews, Christians, and Muslims coexist and collaborate. Pray for the Lord's guidance and strength to turn mourning into joy and to advance His kingdom, even in the face of this tragedy.
- That peace in Israel and the surrounding region would be restored.
- That God would protect our leaders as they minister to the people in their midst.
- For the upcoming (Sergey Rakhuba President of ME) trip to Central Asia where we will hold a forum to equip more than 500 leaders from Central Asian countries to lead during this time of crisis. Please pray for safety for my trip and for this event, which takes place in a region of unrest.
Thank you for your prayers and support for Mission Eurasia as we continue to equip Next Generation leaders, pastors, and the church to serve on the frontlines of these conflicts throughout Eurasia, carrying the light and hope of the gospel to those most in need.

10-21: Pray that the gospel will be shared. Pray for God to speak to the hearts of the young athletes, that they might come to confess sin and trust in Jesus, dedicating their whole lives to following him.
10-28: Pray for post-game interactions between coaches and players. Pray that coaches will be intentional in praising young athletes for their effort. Pray the following week’s practice will be a time of learning and more encouragement.
11-4: Pray for rest and encouragement for the volunteers. Pray that the league director, coaches, referees, and other volunteers would not feel overwhelmed but would remain focused on promoting the discovery of Jesus through sports.
11-6: Pray for the end-of-year celebration. Pray that the close of the season will be a positive experience for young athletes and their families. Pray that the church will be faithful in following up with families and connecting them to the church.
- Children and families and for time to go by fast, a mother with heart problems,
- a dad and a fiance',
- a fiance' who is sick and a dad with problems,
- kids and husband who have not been heard from,
- 17 month old baby and the grandmother who is taking care of him,
- communications with family, a husband who is turning her children against her (it is a divorce situation),
- older children (this lady has 5 children and the 14 year old has already been in trouble),
- a 19 year old niece with health problems,
- a sister has blood clots in her lungs and is waiting for a heart transplant,
- Israel
- Prayer request from the Morgan County Correctional Complex:
- Pray That the inmates in Maximum Security Area would trust us
- (Bill and Bob) to be open to sharing their needs with us and to allow us to pray with them and to be open to hearing hearing the salvation message.
Women On Mission meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at noon in the Fellowship Hall
This month they gathered filled backpacks for the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board efforts to distribute needs and clothing to the children in Appalachia.
November will bring focus to our local volunteer fire departments. Along with prayer support we will deliver gift boxes of snacks and food for the fire houses.
- We ask for prayer in growing our gatherings by bringing new members to join our mission endeavors
- We ask for prayer for mission opportunities and projects
The Sewing With A Purpose group was formed in June 2022. Since then, this small group of ladies have made and sent drawstring backpacks to Guatemala, India, and Appalachia. We've also made sanitary kits, water bottle holders, girls' dresses, and pencil bags for the mission fields. We've made walker bags, lap quilts, fidget mats, and blessing hearts for local nursing homes.
- Please pray that we continue to receive fabric donations and funds to purchase supplies for this ministry.
- Pray that we will be guided to use our skills as to where the needs are greatest.
First Feeds will be distributing invitations to the FREE FBCLC Thanksgiving Dinner on November 19 at at 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. The invitation will contain an invite AND a QR code to view a devotional message from Pastor John just from them.
- Please be in prayer for those encountered in the distribution of invitations.
- That hearts will be open to receive it and the encouraging words and kindness of the First Feeds Team.
- Pray for the meal and all the preparations leading up to it.
- That those who attend will receive more than a meal but that they will receive the Bread of Life.
toy drive
Items Needed:
- Sports Balls & Equipment
- Arts & Crafts Sets
- Watches & Jewelry
- Electronic Games
- Fishing Rods
- Baby Dolls (not Barbies)
- Action Figure Sets
- Remote Control Vehicles (include batteries)
- Sleeping Bags
- Hammocks
*New, unopened and unwrapped toys/gifts for students in grades Prek (4yr olds) - 8th grade (14yr olds)
*Suggested $15 value on each toy/gift