Marissa Myers
Working as a teacher in Papua, New Guinea
• PRAY for the hearts and minds of our students and staff.
• SPONSORSHIP/PENPAL with the students
• ASK about visiting/sending others!
Mission of Hope Back-to-School Backpacks
FBCLC serves James A. Cawood Elementary in Harlan, Kentucky
- Pray for students in dysfunctional and dangerous homes; that God would intervene and place them in safe environments.
- Pray for an adoption of a child that has been fostered for a year.
- Pray for the health of the staff and students as they have COVID cases already and asking for God’s protection.
- Pray that more of our FBCLC family will get involved with this ministry.

The Timothy Initiative
Praver requests from around the world:
- One of our trainers died last week. He is survived by his wife and three children. Please pray for his family. -Haiti
- Pray for Kabita, a 15-year-old girl who is a new disciple. She heard the Gospel, gave her life to Christ, and was baptized. She is now learning to make more disciples in her village. -Security Sensitive Country
- Project Africa just completed in seven countries. Altogether, workers planted 5,060 new churches. Ask God to add many new believers to these church plants so they can grow. -Africa
- Floods have devastated two villages that TI sent new disciple makers to. Please pray for the recovery efforts and for Gospel-sharing opportunities. - S. Asia
- Our printer has been delaying our TTI training materials for over 10 weeks. Please pray for God to provide a solution. -Cuba
- We have 814 Timothys (church planters) in our country. Please ask God to use every one of them to plant a church in the months ahead. -Security Sensitive Country
- Please pray that God will continue to open the doors in Nicaragua and Costa Rica for more to serve. The harvest is ripe and people are ready to hear. Lord, please send more people.
- Please pray for ministry staff and volunteers. Lord give them energy and wisdom to serve you even better.
- Please pray for God's continued provision for PIC.
- Please pray for the pastors in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Pray that God would strengthen them so they do not become weary in their work.
- Please pray for the hundreds of people in Nicaragua that hear the Gospel through our work each month. Lord, please open their ears and hearts to the Gospel.
Here are the most recent prayer requests and praises from Don Parsons with Mission Eurasia.
- Persecution in Russia - I (Don Parsons) was sent a news clip straight off the “6 o’clock news” from the state controlled Russian TV at the beginning of this week. The video showed a raid on the home of the former president of the Baptist Union of Russia who was said to be spreading false information about the war. This brother in Christ is an outspoken critic of the war, yes, but not a criminal or an American-backed propagandist. Thankfully, our brother had fled before the raid. Please be praying for Yuri and his family (his son was arrested for questioning and released). And pray for the Russian church as they are under immense pressure.
- Poland team - please continue to pray for our Warsaw-based team as they touch the lives of Ukrainians in Poland. Praise the Lord that many have come to Christ this summer, especially through camp ministries. Pray that good follow-up could be made. And pray for financial provision for our work and for a new facility in Warsaw. These are huge needs, but was have a big God!
- Trauma Training - Esther will be team-teaching Children’s ministry workers in Poland and Ukraine this fall. Pray that the right students sign up and for her preparations.
- Joy Returns to College... - We will be taking Joy back to Boyce College this weekend (12th). This is a bittersweet time to say goodbye again to our little girl. Pray for a great beginning to a new year. Continue to pray for her health.
- ...And a Visit to ME’s headquarters - After dropping Joy we will continue down to Nashville for meetings with the president of Mission Eurasia (ME) next Monday and Tuesday (14-15). Pray for fruitful meetings and clear communication and planning for the future.
- A Car Replacement - We (Don and Esther) are in need of a newer vehicle. Our primary vehicle is "on its last legs.” Please pray for God to provide the exact vehicle needed for His purposes and glory.
Visit Mission Eurasia's website.
Pray for Ukraine
War is now raging between Russia and Ukraine. In Ukraine, fathers, husbands, brothers, sons… all men must stay behind to defend their country. And the women, children, and elderly who can escape are fleeing with almost nothing! But getting stuck on roadsides, and with infrastructure damaged or over-used – and even dangerous shelling – they risk death. If they survive the harrowing journey to safety, they must then find shelter. But churches, civic centers, and homes are filling up quickly. Those who stay in Ukraine will surely suffer the most, and the impact on children will be unthinkable. Ukrainians need our urgent, intercessory prayers, and our physical help.
Stay connected with SGA on their Facebook page.
The next couple of weeks will be exceedingly busy as we will soon be in the midst of a Special Session called by the Governor. I will be there for the week along with the Legislature. That is August 21-24. Please pray for fruitful ministry for me, and for the Legislators as they are being put on the spot to do something meaningful for gun control following the Nashville shootings last spring. I need God's wisdom to minister in the midst of protests, tension, and frustrations. God is able!
Find out more about Capitol Commission.
From Phil Johnsey of CMN:
I leave on Wednesday for Kenya for a two week trip. We are using a medical team to plant four more churches with the Kipsigis tribe in the Bomet area.
After I lead that team I will be in 5 countries overseeing the start of 10 new pastor training schools. Two countries are new in our process as they came on board last October.
My travels go like this: Kenya to Uganda, back to Kenya, medical team, Rwanda, DRC (Congo), back to Rwanda to Burundi. Then travel home on September 5th out of Burundi back through Kenya. The DRC and Burundi are new countries in our network.
Then Eric goes to Zambia to start two new schools there on September 14 with a group of pastors from TX.
Thank you for your prayers as God continues to stretch us to enlarge His kingdom in Africa. It looks like we will be planting 195 churches in nine countries. An amazing year!
Find out more about CMN.
- Afternoon bus driver. We are in great need of someone to drive our school bus M-F, 2pm-4pm.
- 2 Aftercare employees.
- For all of our students and parents to be hungry for the Lord and receptive to the Good News of Jesus to change their lives.
- For unity among our parents, faculty, and staff. Additionally, the gossip would be avoided.
- For the needed security upgrades and playground relocation to be done in a timely manner.
9/2 - Pray for the parents of participants. Pray that their experience this season will be a positive one as their child learns new skills and learns about Jesus Christ.
9/9 - Pray that the first game day will go well. Pray for games to start on time, for coaches to be encouraging, for referees to be diligent, and for God to be honored.
9/16 - Pray that the church would minister to the unchurched families. Pray for spiritual discussions to take place and friendships to be formed with families who are not part of a church home.
9/23 - Pray for participants who are members of the church. Pray that their experience in the league will make them not just better athletes, but better people, living lives that honor God.
9/30 - Pray for all the volunteers. Pray for them to be encouraging to one another and diligent in their specific tasks.
Please pray for Bill Wolff, and the men he ministers to, in the Morgan County Correctional Complex, a maximum security prison near Wartburg, Tennessee. Bill shared that, “we are constantly being encouraged by the men. Who would ever have dreamed that men who have been locked up for a long time, and might never get out, are ministering to us as we visit cell by cell. Three (3) buildings, four (4) Pods in each building totaling 320 cells or a total of 320 men in total isolation. I have shared with you before each cell is about the size of a bathroom (7’x12’) feet. They never have contact with the outside world and rarely if ever have a visitor. All alone in their cell, even a conversation with another inmate is difficult. In June I met an inmate. He asked me about what I do for the inmates. He shared with me a little reluctantly about his family, his faith, his thoughts about God and Jesus. Bottom line, he accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior later that month.”