MONTANA MISSION TEAM - Departs August 13-19
Working with Beartooth Christian Camp in Fishtail, MO
• Pray for the Holy Spirits’ leading of individuals as they prayerfully consider joining the team and plan for our upcoming service.
• Pray for willing hearts to be characterized by the fruit of the Spirit, honoring God with all that is accomplished.
• Pray for special protection for individuals and families and victory in the spiritual warfare that they may face as they prepare for our trip in August.
• For the team member’s hearts to be prepared spiritually for the days & weeks ahead.
• For smooth completion of the details with pre-planning and materials supply.
Serving at Forest Springs Camp and Convention Center for Family Summer Camps
Family camps 1,2,3 are in the history book. # 1 and 2 camps were three day camps. #3 was a 6 day camp as are camps 4,5, and 6. Each of camps 1,2, and 3 averaged around 285 campers. So I have welcomed about 855 campers.
I was blessed to have a part of the Ericson clan this past week. Always a high spot when I am here with them.
As far as my involvement with the folks who are here is the many opportunities to have face-to-face conversations with them. Wonderful times to encourage, to get to know them personally, to learn about their journey with the Lord. Also spending time with the camp staff, and summer staff (high school and college age) getting to know them and show love to them. I'm thrilled to have an impact on them. This is a great way to spend time serving my Lord.
GUATEMALA - June 21-30
Hear testimonies from the Guatemala Mission Team
• Pray for the testimonies they share of their experiences will bring more fruit to the Kingdom.
• Pray for continued work on projects and the final completion to serve many fruitful ministry endeavors.
• Pray for the women leaders and God's call on them to lead the women in the area of Pacaya.

Please pray as Adam’s Road transitions from Florida to Kentucky where the plan is to build a Christian campus and retreat for ministry training, recreation, and support for pastors, church, and youth in Kentucky.
Learn more about Adam's Road.
As the ministry of PIC is in a rebuilding phase and has also added the country of Costa Rica as a new place we serve, we are praying that God will bring us many more North American partner churches to serve alongside with us.
- Please pray for our FBCLC partner pastor in Costa Rica, Pastor Jonathan, and his wife as they serve tirelessly in the church together and throughout the community. Pray that the Lord would continue to give them strength and wisdom.
- Please pray for all of the people that recently returned from their mission trip in Costa Rica. God has done amazing things through them that they didn't know was possible.
- Pray that God will keep that flame lit in them and that they continue to serve in other areas and encourage others to do so as well.
- Please pray for the leaders of PIC. To be in God's will with wisdom, boldness, and direction.
- Please pray for all of our partner pastors in Nicaragua. The struggle there is difficult and they need our prayers.
Follow PIC on their Facebook page.
From Pastor Jonathan
Petitions for the Church:
- For the families of children who come alone.
- For spiritual protection for these children so that they can grow spiritually.
- For strong families in the church.
- For more maturity and sanctification in the church.
- For more servants and leaders in the Church.
- Construction projects.
Family Requests:
- May we be light and hope for the community.
- By God's care and providence for our family.
- For our children, may they grow in love for God.
- My wife's health is maintained and for the rest of the family.
From the June '23 Team:
- We worked in various areas with the schools, home visits, church items, etc. We saw things individually and were impacted differently by what we got to see and experience. Pray for those areas you were influenced by or got to be an influencer in. prayers for the next journey that can be taken down there and that doors and opportunities will be opened and that the right people will be accept the calling to go.
- Pray for FBCLC as well to be motivated to get out on the mission field. It may not be Costa Rica that they are called to go to.
- Pray for each other that we don’t become idle that we continue staying strong and encouraged.
Mission Eurasia
Pray for Summer of Hope Bible Campus provided by Mission Eurasia as they provide Ukraine refugees scarred by war with prayer, encouragement scripture, and food. Thousands of trauma counselors will be at our Summer of Hope Bible camps and our staff have also been trained to help children learn to cope and recover from the horrors of war.
Visit Mission Eurasia's website.
Slavic Gospel Association
- Praise and prayers for thankfulness to those God is using in the Ukraine through churches supported by SGA. The steadfast brothers and sisters in our ranks who continue to serve the Lord and people. They help distribute humanitarian aid to people who were left in difficult life circumstances, IDPs, the disabled, the poor, large families and pensioners who were left alone. Blessings to all the people who did not stand aside!
-Prayer for continued protection, strength and wisdom for those families still in difficult circumstances.
- Summer camp season will last through the end of August across the former Soviet Union. Intercede in prayer for the thousands of children attending, asking God to draw them to saving faith as they hear the Gospel.
- Pray for Valery Kazakov, director of Slavic Gospel Association’s Moscow Regional Ministry Center (RMC). These are difficult, challenging days in Russia for believers and their churches across the country. May the Lord protect and strengthen them, and grant them many Gospel opportunities out of the challenges.
- Please continue to pray for evangelical churches across Belarus that are ministering to refugees who have fled into the country from the war in neighboring Ukraine. Ask for God’s provision and for many open Gospel doors as they share Christ’s love.
- Pray for the Slavic Gospel Association-sponsored Orphans Reborn ministry across the former Soviet Union. Thousands of lonely, forgotten children have been reached with the Gospel and the love of Christ through the years. Pray for even more open doors in the days ahead.
Stay connected with SGA on their Facebook page.

- Pray for the effective communication of the Word and influence among our TN legislative staff. We have a Bible study in Nashville twice a month and it is a time that is more challenging to gather folks together due to competing schedules.
- Pray for the contacts we make with Legislators outside of Session. When they are in their districts it is more difficult to stay connected, but when we do it is also more personal.
- Chaplains are becoming a more strategic point of connection and confidentiality to an increasingly secular and privatized world. Pray that I will be wise and gracious, and seen as a friend and not as a threat.
- Pray for the families of former Representative Bill Beck who recently died of a heart attack, and for former long-term Legislator attorney Roy Herron who was severely injured in a holiday watercraft accident. He suffered a brain injury and as I write this, he is not expected to live. Both of these expressed to me their personal faith, but for the families, it is shocking and very difficult. Both were moderate democrats and good men. They will be missed.
- Pray for the upcoming Israel tour for Legislators. The group is small but with great potential for impact. Pray that they will be teachable, and discerning, and the governmental meetings will bear fruit for Israel, Tennessee, the US, and the Kingdom of God!
- Pray for the increase in supporting churches. This has a tremendous benefit for freedom to carry on and even expand our work. This kind of partnership with FBCLC is rare and oh so much appreciated!
Find out more about Capitol Commission.
- Pray for the “Run With Hope – 5K/10K” race August 13-19
- Pray for those running/walking virtually in the location of their choice and those running/walking in Knoxville on race day: for safety, strength and endurance but that those surrounding the race will see the message of Hope we offer through the ministry of Hope Resource.
Find out more about the race HERE. Stay connected with Hope Resource on their Facebook page.

- Pray for provision of adequate school supplies to cover the needs of the students of MOH schools
- Pray for the transportation and distribution of the supplies to the schools
- Pray for the assembly time at each school. Some allow the Gospel to be presented and we pray for the fruit of that message. Those schools that do not allow the Gospel to be shared vocally, we pray that students see the love of Christ through those serving.
- Pray for our own FBCLC trip to deliver school supplies to James A. Cawood Elementary in Harlan, Kentucky on August 18.
Contact Susan Williams for more information about August 18. Stay connected with MOH on their Facebook page.

8/1 - Pray for the league director as they recruit coaches and volunteers. Pray that God will bring people to the league who are passionate about serving others and sharing God's love.
8/3 - Pray that the registration process will go smoothly for participants. Pray for zero technical issues and that all of the systems will work well so that participants have a great league experience.
8/10 - Pray for evaluations, that participants will feel welcomed and encouraged. Pray for the volunteers at evaluations to be warm and inviting to participants and families.
8/17 - Pray that God will keep volunteers and participants safe during the season. Pray that those involved in the league will not be affected by sickness and be able to fully participate each week.
8/24 - Pray for the coach and referee training. Pray that coaches will be inspired to show the love of Christ to athletes and families. Pray that referees will be encouraged to be patient and fair.
8/28 - Pray for the coaches. Pray that they will put in preparation lime for each week's practice. Pray they'll be diligent in teaching skills and drills and leading the devotion time.
8/28 - Pray for the young athletes to feel welcomed at the first practice. Pray that the nervousness will be short-lived and that participants will begin forming friendships with others.
Register a child here. Volunteer for this Upward Season with Mallory McNabb.
Pray for:
-Continued strong partnership with Lenoir City Schools
-Church Members (both male and female) to sign up as new mentors for grades K-5
-Strong bonding of Mentor/Student relationships
-Mentors as they prepare to begin mentoring in September
Find our more from our KidsHope USA Directors.